Terms of use of the site
Site rules, general information
- The purpose of the site is to post free ads. Announcements can be viewed by everyone, and only registered members can post. Registration is possible with email and password.
- It is forbidden to indicate another person or incorrect data during registration.
- The user has no right to post a statement on the site that contradicts the current legislation of Georgia.
- The site is not responsible for the accuracy of the information posted on the site, only the author of the statement is responsible for any statement.
- The site is not a party to the agreement between the users, the site only helps the author of the statement and the user to communicate with each other.
- By placing an application, the user confirms that he has taken responsibility for the information specified in the application.
- When using the site, the user automatically agrees to the use of cookies.
- The site adheres to the regulations on the security of users' personal data defined by the legislation of Georgia.
Terms of use and rules of the site.
- A user registered on the site can place an ad both privately and on behalf of a company.
- Anyone can post a statement on the site, as long as it does not conflict with the law and ethical norms. The content of the statement should be clearly and clearly conveyed. The statement must not be false, inaccurate or misleading to the user.
- An advertisement may contain a product for sale, an announcement of an event, a paid or free course, training or other educational event. Each application is reviewed by the administration and in certain cases it is possible to delete the application or block the user.
- The authors of the application are responsible for the content, terms, legality and other details of the application. Any issues must be clarified between the author of the statement and the user.
- The site administration has the right to remove any application or block its author if it considers that it does not meet the site's requirements or violates the site's rules or ethics.
- The site is not responsible for the loss or damage of the information posted on the site, nor does it guarantee the continuous and uninterrupted operation of the site.
- If the user has any kind of complaint or misunderstanding about another user, he should submit his complaints directly to the user against whom he has complaints.
- The site processes the user's personal data within the scope necessary to provide services to the user.
- Posting advertising content based on the content of the site and indicating external links are allowed on the site.
- The copyright of any exclusive information on the site belongs to the same site and no one has the right to distribute them without agreement with the site.
- Announcements are posted on the site for 1 month for vacancies, and for 3 months for other types of announcements. After the expiration of the period, the announcement can be deleted by the administrator. To clarify unclear issues, write to us at hipermarket@yahoo.com or contact us on the site's Facebook page
- Violations caused by software malfunctions on the site will be considered by the site administration in the shortest possible time and in accordance with the law.
Placing a paid ad on the site (Functionality is under preparation)
- Free listing status is 0. A paid ad has 1 or more statuses.
- The price of buying a status is 1 GEL for 1 status, it is possible to buy from 1 to 100.
- The higher the status, the higher it will appear in the list of announcements.
- At the top of the list of announcements on any page are the announcements with the highest status.
- The granted status is valid only for 5 days, after which the ad will be automatically removed from the site.
- Before buying a status, it is better to look at existing statuses and buy accordingly.
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